SANBI & SOPH embark on digital life skills resource toolkit

In 2011 the Centre for Innovative, Educational and Communications Technologies (CIECT -previously known as the eLearning Unit) embarked on the design and development of a digital resource toolkit for a Grade 7 – 9 Life Skills learners. This eLearning project was conducted in collaboration with Professor Allen Christoffels from the South African National Bioinformatics Institute (SANBI) and Professor Patricia Struthers from School of Public Health (SOPH) at the University of the Western Cape. The project is aimed at the youth of our country, specifically to create awareness about the dangers of HIV / Aids and Tuberculosis (TB).

The digital resource toolkit enables learners to engage with content, self-directed activities and assessment tasks – related to serious health challenges and encourages a healthy lifestyle. The learners are able to engage with sensitive topics around self-esteem, human rights, decision-making and career pathways – through interactive eTools and multi-media components, namely: quizzes, puzzles, audio clips and videos.

View the interactive digital resource which was developed and packaged on DVD by the CIECT team. The SANBI team has recently placed the resource toolkit on the internet at:

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